Darths & Droids Wiki

Poggle the Lesser was an NPC, an alien leader in the Separatist movement.

Silence of the Clones[]

When Padme Amidala and Anakin were captured in a droid factory that Poggle owned, they were placed on trial for crimes against the droid factory, with Poggle the Lesser presiding before a crowd that included Count Dooku and Nute Gunray. Padme tried to give a rousing defense, but it was just a confused muddle. Poggle sentenced them to death by firing squad. Padme threatened to have Palpatine carpet bomb the entire planet. Poggle changed his sentence to death by being dismembered and eaten by wild beasts in the arena.

Revelation of the Sith[]

When Count Dooku broke off from the Separatists, he insisted that Nute Gunray and Poggle the Lesser give him back the stolen Peace Moon plans so that Dooku could show them to the Senate. Poggle handed the plans back to Dooku, but claimed the Senate wouldn't listen to Dooku anyway.

When the Separatists and Trade Federation invaded and conquered Naboo, Poggle the Lesser was there as they smeltered the planet to start building the Peace Moon. When Anakin arrived, he killed all the Separatist leaders, including Poggle the Lesser, with his laser sword.
