Darths & Droids Wiki
General Vanden Willard
Race Human
Gender Male
Occupation General of the Rebel forces on Yavin
Status Unknown, presumed alive
First Appearance Page 866, A New Generation
Last Appearance Page 916, A New Generation

General Vanden Willard is a General of the Rebel forces on the forest moon of Yavin. He speaks with a thick Space Spanish accent, complete with an exaggerated lisp that the party found exceptionally annoying.

A New Generation[]

The Falcon arrived at the Rebel base on the fourth moon orbiting the gas giant planet, Yavin. At the base, Princess told General Willard that the Senate had the Peace Moon blow up Naboo and that R2 had the entire data on the Peace Moon downloaded. R2 addressed all the other Rebels (including Han, Chewbacca, 3PO, Princess, and Luke) at a briefing. He told them that the entire Moon was being powered by the Lost Orb of Phanastacoria, and that was the only way the Moon could get the energy to blow up a planet. Han asked how it was connected. R2 explained it was all being channeled by conduits on either side of the Orb. Han speculated that if the Orb got bumped while it was powering up to destroy a planet, the results could be catastrophic. This gave Luke an idea on how to destroy the Moon, and Han agreed. Give the Moon a planet to destroy, then as it powered up, fire a torpedo down a thermal exhaust port, and kaboom. 3PO was alarmed at the idea of giving the Moon a planet to blow up. Han pointed out a heavily populated Moon would do.
